Let me tell you a quick story. I don't think that the majority of the cosmetics companies don't know how to get soft smooth skin; I simply think that they aren't honestly trying to help you. The reason that I believe this is that there are tons of all natural compounds that have been proven effective in helping people to achieve the healthy, wrinkle free skin. Most of the cosmetics companies refuse to use them.
What your skin needs are the antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids that plant derived oils, waxes, and extracts provide. What the typical skin care formula contains is little more than a combination of synthetics and chemical agents. These compounds will not give you the smooth, healthy skin you are after, and some of them could in fact have a negative effect on your health.
How to get soft smooth skin is not by applying the lowest quality ingredients available, but this is exactly what many in the cosmetics industry are forcing you to do. The reason that they are doing this is money, because the healthy, natural ingredients you need simply cost more to process than these other chemicals do. Using chemicals and synthetics help the cosmetics companies to maximize their profits.
These are not fly by night organizations that we are talking about here, but companies that enjoy profits in the billions each year. These companies could well afford the extra cost involved in giving you the ingredients that you need to be successful. Instead, they are allowing you to absorb substances into your skin that are known in many cases to be toxic to human beings, and carcinogenic.
These products often do provide you with a few natural compounds that they claim are the answer as to how to get soft smooth skin, but they won't actually help you. We have all heard from the cosmetics companies about how effective their collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid formulas are at reducing the wrinkles in your skin. The fact is though that these compounds cannot help you at all.
Collagen and elastin proteins and hyaluronic acid polymer are of too great a molecular density for your skin to be able to absorb them. Despite the fact that some companies claim to use 'bio-available' versions of these substances there is actually no such thing. These compounds are insoluble, and we are not anywhere close to finding a way to break them down.
The answer as to how to get soft smooth skin is through all natural products that feature the enzyme and protein fusion Cynergy TK, and Phytessence Wakame kelp derivative. The way these ingredients work is that they significantly increase the amount of collagen and elastin you are producing, and protect your hyaluronic acid from being degraded by enzymes present in the skin.
In conclusion, the plant based compounds in these formulas are will moisturize your skin effectively, and will reduce your wrinkles by reversing free radical damage. These formulas are truly how to get soft smooth skin, and you owe it to yourself to give them a try.
You can learn more insights by visiting my web site and discovering more natural ingredients I personally use daily.
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